CSAW CTF 2013 Write Up (Expoition 100)
간단한 BOF문제였습니다. 문제로 source가 제공되는데 다음과 같습니다. [snip] void handle(int newsock) { int backdoor = 0; char buffer[1016]; memset(buffer, 0, 1016); send(newsock, "Welcome to CSAW CTF.", 21, 0); recv(newsock, buffer, 1020, 0); buffer[1015] = 0; if ( backdoor ) { fd = fopen("./key", "r"); fscanf(fd, "%s\n", buffer); send(newsock, buffer, 512, 0); } close(newsock); } [snip] 공격코드는 다음과 같습니다. #!/usr/bin/python..
2013. 9. 23.
CSAW CTF 2013 Write Up (Trivia, Recon)
#1. Drink all the booze, HACK all the things! #2. What is the abbreviation of the research published in the Hackin9 issue on nmap by Jon Oberheide, Nico Waisman, Matthieu Suiche, Chris Valasek, Yarochkin Fyodor, the Grugq, Jonathan Brossard, and Mark Dowd? DICKS #3, What is the common name for a single grouping of instructions used in a Return Oriented Programming payload, typically ending in a ..
2013. 9. 21.